Do u Know?

Calls from 777888999 is Fake, Check below why?

These days a new message is circulating across whatsapp, facebook and other social media platforms saying if you receive a call from 777888999 and you answer the call then you die, below is the message

“Dear what’s app users: Please read the message carefully, It’s not a joke. In-between 12.00am to 3.00am don’t pick the phone call from the number- 777888999. Yes it’s a nine digits mobile number but it’s not fake. 10 people have died because of answering the call,” the message said.

“A lady will speak to the call receiver and tell that it’s the last call for him. Please pass this message to others and don’t neglect. Pass it to your friends and family”

I will explain why 777888999 is Fake
1. Firstly it is a 9 digit number, India doesn’t have a 9 digit number and even if you receive it from international then it should be prefixed with + and its country code.
2. It is technically not possible to blast via a cellphone call.

I request all people that whenever you receive these kind of forwarded messages just delete them and tell people that its a crap!