Correct Pronunciation of Car Brands
Cars Do u Know? Pronunciation

Do you Know the Correct Pronunciation of Car Brands Names

Many people don’t know the exact pronunciation of the car they are driving, look below to see the correct pronunciation of these car companies/brands.

Correct Pronunciation of Car Brands

Correct Pronunciation of Car Brands

Hyundai Pronunciation

Hyundai should be pronounced as Hun-Day

Volkswagen Pronunciation

German Car Maker Volkswagen is pronounced as Folks-Wa-g’n

Toyota Pronunciation

The world’s Second largest Automotive manufacturer Toyota is pronounced as below

The correct Japanese pronunciation is Toya-Ta

In English country they say To-yo-ta

Lamborghini Pronunciation

Luxury Sports Car Lamborghini should be pronounced as Lambor-Gee-Nee

Renault Pronunciation

France Car Maker Renault Correct Pronunciation is Re-No

Chevrolet Pronunciation

American automobile Chevrolet Pronunciation is Shev-Ro-Ley

Car Brand Pronunciation

Audi Pronunciation

German Luxury Car Maker Audi should be pronounced as Aau-Dee

Škoda Pronunciation

Skoda is a Czech automobile manufacturer and is pronounced as S-K-Ow-d-Aa

Suzuki Pronunciation

Japanese automobile manufacturer Suzuki Correct Pronunciation is Soo-Zoo-Kee

Volvo Pronunciation

Swedish Automobile manufacturer Volvo correct Pronunciation is vahl-vo

Porsche Pronunciation

German automobile manufacturer Porsche correct Pronunciation is Por-Sha

Bugatti Pronunciation

French Car Maker Bugatti should be pronounced is Bu-gatti

Nissan Pronunciation

Japanese Car Makers Nissan is pronounced as knee-sah-n

Honda Pronunciation

Honda should be pronounced as H-AW-n-d-uh

Fiat Pronunciation

Italian auto manufacturer Fiat Pronunciation is fi-at

Ferrari Pronunciation

Luxury Car Maker Ferrari should be pronounced as Fer-Rair-i

How to pronounce Maserati

Maserati Pronunciation is Maser-ati

Acura Pronunciation

Acura correct Pronunciation is A-cura or Ah-Cure-Ah

Bentley Pronunciation

British Auto manufacturer and marketer of Luxury cars and SUVs Bentley is Pronunciation is Bent-lee

Buick Pronunciation

Buick Pronunciation is b-y-OO-ih-k

Cadillac Pronunciation

Cadillac should be pronounced as Cadil-lac

Ford Pronunciation

Amercian automobile manufacturer Ford Pronunciation is Foo-rd

Geely Pronunciation

Correct Geely Pronunciation is Gee-lee

Jeep Pronunciation

Jeep should be pronounced as Jee-p

Jaguar Pronunciation

Luxury Car Maker Jaguar Pronunciation is Jag-Wahr

Kia Pronunciation

Japan Car Kia is pronounced as k-ee-uh

Lexus Pronunciation

Lexus Pronunciation is Leck-Sus

how to say Lexus, how to pronounce Lexus, pronounce Lexus correctly, pronunciation of Lexus

Mazda Pronunciation

Mazda correct Pronunciation is Mahz-duh

McLaren Pronunciation

McLaren is pronounced as m-ae-K-L-AI-r-ih-n

Mitsubishi Pronunciation

Japanese multinational automotive manufacturer Mitsubishi is pronounced as Mit-subishi

Pagani Pronunciation

Italian automobile manufacturer Pagani Pronunciation is PA-GAN-EE

Peugeot Pronunciation

French automotive manufacturer Peugeot correct Pronunciation is peuh-joe

Subaru Pronunciation

Japanese automobile manufacturer Subaru is pronounced as su-ba-ru

Extra Bonus Vehicle should be pronounced as Vi-ekle

Note: If you find any Pronunciation is wrong email us at we will correct it, we are not responsible for any damage caused. Images/logo is copyrighted of the car brands.