
SMS to 9880752484 to know your Citi Bank Balance Details Mini Statement and OTP

If you are a Citi Bank customer then now using sms you can get your bank balance details, Latest Salary Credit, Nearest ATM Location and other details.


Citi Bank SMS Banking

For Citi Balance enquiry sms as below:

Format: BAL Last 4 digits of your debit card number to 52484 or +91 9880752484

E.g., BAL 1234 to 52484 or +91 9880752484

For Latest Salary Credit

SAL Last 4 digits of your debit card number

SAL 1234 to 9880752484

For Cheque book Request

CHQBOOK 1234 to 9880752484

To know Rewards points on your citi Credit Card

Sms as REWARDS Last4digitscreditcardnumber

e.g., REWARDS 3006

For Latest statement billed amount, Minimum amount due and Payment due date

STMT 1234

Citi Bank Missed Call Balance Enquriy number is not yet available.