Telangana Grameena Bank Locker Charges TGB Annual Charges How to Open a Locker lost locker keys details
Locker Charges

Telangana Grameena Bank Locker Charges Annual Charges How to Open a Locker in TGB and Other Details

If you are a Telangana Grameena Bank customer and would like to open a locker in TGB bank and know the locker charges, size of the locker, Locker operations and other details then check below for the detailed information.

Telangana Grameena Bank Locker Charges

Currently Telangana Grameena Bank provides 3 types of lockers and the locker rent depends on the location of the branch, check below for locker rent charges based on the TGB branch location.

TGB Locker Charges

For Small Locker – In Rural Area Rs 920 + GST, In Semi Urban Rs 920 + GST and in Urban Areas 1320 + GST

For Medium Locker Charges are in Rural, Semi Urban area Rs 2000 + GST and in Urban area RS 3000 + GST

For Large Locker Charges are Rs 5000 in Rural, Semi Urban areas and Rs 6000 + GST in Urban Areas.

Telangana Grameena Bank Locker Charges TGB Annual Charges How to Open a Locker lost locker keys details

How to Open a Locker in TGB

To open a locker visit the branch where you have a TGB account then request for the locker opening, fill the form along with your account number, nominee details and submit.

While opening the locker you need to pay One time registration fee which is Rs 550 + GST and choose the locker type and pay annual charges.

TGB Locker Operations

In an year you can visit the TGB branch and make 12 free locker operations and after the free operations you need to pay Rs 150 + GST per visit/operation.

Lost TGB Locker Keys

If you lost the locker keys then inform the branch first and then for Locker Break TGB Charges Rs.1500/-+GST.

Note: Telangana Grameena Bank TGB Safe deposit lockers overdue charges are for 1st quarter 10% of Annual Rent and for 2nd quarter 25% of Annual Rent + GST.